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Instruction Pipeline

Instruction Pipeline Pipeline processing can occur not only in the data stream but in the instruction stream as well. Most of the digital computers…

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Arithmetic Pipeline

Arithmetic Pipeline Arithmetic Pipelines are mostly used in high-speed computers. They are used to implement floating-point operations, multiplicat…

What is Pipelining

What is Pipelining? Pipelining is the process of accumulating instruction from the processor through a pipeline. It allows storing and executing in…

Difference between Programmed and Interrupt Initiated I/O

Difference between Programmed and Interrupt Initiated I/O Data transfer between the CPU and I/O devices can be done in variety of modes. These are …

What is Interrupt I/O Process

What is Interrupt I/O Process An interrupt I/O is a process of data transfer in which an external device or a peripheral informs the CPU that it is…

What is a programmed I/O

It is one of the simplest forms of I/O where the CPU has to do all the work. This technique is called programmed I/O. Consider a user process that …

I/O Interface in Computer Architecture

I/O Interface in Computer Architecture The I/O interface supports a method by which data is transferred between internal storage and external I/O …
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